The Month of Love

Author: Aarthi@Paperandme /

This is February. The month of love. Many people love this month for many reasons. Some love it for it is not hot in February. Some love it for the winter is beginning to depart. Some love it for the spring is about to arrive. Some other(especially the working class people) love it for there are lesser working days. Some love it for it is the month of love. Some even wait the whole year just for this month to express their love. Some love it for the surprise gifts they receive this month. Some use this as an excuse to add flavor to their lives. For people living in Kuwait this month has the whole last week off. They celebrate theirs National day(Feb 25) and Liberation day(Feb 26) in this month.  But there is a totally different reason for why I love this month. It was in February that God gifted me with my bundle of joy. Yes my son, Sanjit, was born on February 24th. I still can't believe that it has been 3 years since he was born. It feels just like the day before yesterday when I heard his first cry while I was half drowsy due to the local anaesthesia that I received before my C-section. It feels just like yesterday when we celebrated his 1st Birthday. He was so excited to see all the guests at our home that he was toddling around from one to the other. His second birthday was simple but he was happy telling everyone he met that it was his birthday today. This year, he has learned from his playschool that birthday is associated with a party.Well, party or not, its still his special day and I will be all the more happy to make his day special. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear chella kutty.. May God bless u with all ur wishes..

Valentine Fever

Author: Aarthi@Paperandme / Labels: ,

Year after year i have seen people protest against celebrating valentine's day. I still am not able to figure out why they do this, that too year after year. Though their protests doesn't seems to have any effect on those who celebrate valentine's day as if it is their only chance to express their love. So what is the use of protesting. Oh yes. You get a special mention in the news that evening. A smart way of getting attention. If you are really interested in protesting then you can do so by not celebrating it. That way you are not disturbing others, also, precious news minutes will be used for other actually important news.
In my own way, i feel that days like these can be used as an excuse to add flavour to your life. I know we have our own festivals to celebrate but then this can be an informal festival wherein you don't have to get up early, take head bath, clean your house, cook food without even checking the taste, then offer to the Gods and then finally go ahead with other celebrations. Trust me festivals are fun from kids point of view. Even the husbands get a day off to enjoy the festival. But for housewives it is like doing overtime. I am not complaining. I do enjoy cooking for festivals. After all, they come only once in a while, but to think of it, how nice it would be when you are made to feel special or you make others feel how special they are to you with a pleasant surprise. Now wouldn't that make you happy in a special way? It is for this reason i love all these special days. My mother knows that i love her but a special something on Mother's Day would make her day and knowing that i made her day will make my day too.
It doesn't matter what the gift is or how much the gift is? What matters is that you thought about me while selecting/making that gift/surprise. It shows how much effort you had taken to make the day special for me.
You may say that Birthdays are there for the same purpose but that comes only once a year. Don't you want more from your life?
 Coming back to valentine's day, what is it with chocolates and flowers? I surely agree that they are pleasant gifts but doesn't everybody get the same things for their love. Come on think of something different. Something out of the box. Watch an all time favorite movie together. Gift a CD with the old songs you both loved so much. Cook together. Come on. Go ahead and get to work at making the day for your loved one.